Managing Risk and the sport of Open Water Marathon Swimming ... You would be surprised to learn of the correlation between managing risk and the sport of Open Water Marathon Swimming.   This exploding sport, fueled by triathletes, but started by a hardy core of tougher swimmers that embrace speedo only rules in cold water to build character and resilience not often found today. Many of these OW swimmers are surprisingly corporate leaders, business savvy

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How to Build a Useful Energy Program   A cost-effective non-certified (but just as effective) energy management program that deliver’s results combines multiple KPIs to give a true picture of the likelihood of success across the business.   The most successful activities for a small business don’t just focus on one aspect of energy management (such as bills or budget), but casts a wider net to get a much clearer picture of the risks associated

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Achieve ISO 50001 Results without Certification Veritatis Advisors partners with award winning EU energy management software developer ENERIT to provide cloud based, human-centered ISO 50001 Platform Energy efficiency programs continue to set increasingly ambitious savings targets. But the tools industry and commercial buildings use lag in technology adoption. Standard tactics of employing bulky and slow ISO programs, more often than not, are falling short both in veracity and value. Likewise large IT solutions advertised from utilities

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Perspectives on Small Business Energy Efficiency today focuses on Knowledge. Business energy efficiency programs are often described by the small and medium sized business owner and manager in passive terms such as lenient, compliant, or latent. While it is often assumed this lack of engagement is cost driven, we are finding now that it is actually knowledge or competency driven. Most audits today continue to be engineering focused, foregoing behavioral aspects. This knowledge gap increases the cost hurdle,

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Small businesses make up the bulk of companies in the US by number and number of employees. But, many small business owners do not have access to energy efficiency products and services. Competence, time and resources to know what’s available or how it can help them remain challenging. Utilities are often seen as a solution to this economic segment, but with this avenue of support comes challenges of non-neutral services and supply pressures. On the

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