Veritatis Insights – Utility Networks get ISO 50001, perhaps just in time

US Department of Energy (DOE) hits its stride by launching the several year old private sector energy management platform for continual improvement into the gasping utility sector, perhaps just in time to save it.

Release: US DOE

March saw the launch of the 50001 Ready Utility Network Series, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) first facilitated forum for utilities, public benefit administrators (PBA), third party implementers, consultants, and regulators who share an interest in energy management systems (EnMS) including and ISO 50001 and DOE’s 50001 Ready program. The series provides an opportunity for these various stakeholders to interact and learn from DOE and each other.

screenshot of the 50001 ready home pageThe inaugural webinar attracted more than 80 participants. Presenters from DOE and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory provided a sound introduction to the series, describing the DOE50001 Ready Utility Network Series’ purpose, and emphasizing DOE’s interest in adding value to utility and PBA communities. The agenda included an overview of the 50001 Ready recognition program, the 50001 Ready Navigator (a web application that provides step-by-step guidance to ISO 50001 implementation), and EnPI Lite (a set of online energy performance tools). Participants also discussed customer recruitment for 50001 Ready types of programs.

The series benefits all comers. Through presentations, stakeholders can learn about DOE energy management resources. The discussion period allows participants to share success stories, best practices, and ways to leverage and add to existing resources to support state and local program offerings. In like manner, DOE receives feedback on how to build additional value from 50001 Ready, which can help steer updates to existing tools and development of new ones. As the series progresses, the information sharing will help facilitate wider uptake of 50001 Ready, leading to the ultimate goal: increased energy management and associated energy and cost savings.

Each one-hour webinar will convene at 12 p.m. ET on the third Wednesday of every other month. Future webinars will feature speakers from the ratepayer efficiency community and planned topics include measuring energy performance, setting up a help desk, training staff, and developing a recognition program. The next session is scheduled for May 16, 2018 and will feature Ed Birch of the Strategic Energy Group, who will provide insights into his use of the 50001 Ready Navigator and recognition program to add value for his customers.

To register for the series, contact Sandy Glatt, Project Manager in DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office, at [email protected].

About the 50001 Ready Program

DOE’s 50001 Ready program recognizes facilities and organizations that practice ISO 50001-based energy management. The program does not require any external audits or certifications and is a self-paced, no-cost way for organizations to build a culture of structured energy improvement that leads to deeper and sustained savings. 50001 Ready partners with utilities and other organizations that support and facilitate the implementation of 50001 Ready energy management systems. Find out more about continuous energy improvement and 50001 Ready.




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