Energy Efficiency, Technology, and Startup Incubation in the Heartland Executive Summary Northwestern University, McCormack School of Engineering graduates Nikita Jain, Rushi Shah, and Ben Wagner recently concluded a three month co- sponsored (by, Veritatis Advisors Chief Don Macdonald and Vissant Capital Director Doug McConnell) market cluster analysis to pinpoint midwestern energy efficiency (EE) free market, policy, and startup incubation hurdles and opportunities. This ground breaking piece, the team considers Midwestern economic engine capabilities, workforce capabilities,

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Utility adoption of energy efficiency programs is an outsourced model of engagement perhaps until now. According to AEEE, utilities a bit counter-intuitive in their market adoption thinking, are now seeing energy efficiency as a resource. With the confluence of proper GHG's and energy benchmarking, baselines Wall Streets acceptance of metrics for investment profiling have become standardized and with that AEEE found that it is third in the electric generation segment. And it may top the list

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Veritatis Advisors Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA) 2016 Inspiring Efficiency Award Nominee   Energy Efficiency Leadership, Education, Impact, Marketing and Innovation Veritatis Advisors is proud to announce its nomination as a leadership finalist in the 2016 Midwest Energy Efficiency Awards, this is the second year in a row for Don and his team to receive this important recognition for works in energy performance, education, management, and Innovation. The work recognizes educational techniques and delivery methods

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Veritatis Advisors Market Presentation Series Proud to offer in our on-going thought leadership series the latest integrated market view, data, and analytics behind the Driving forces Behind Energy Performance If only the lack energy efficiency was caused by ISIS declaring war on America, or gas prices jumping back to $5 per gallon, efficiency would jump to the forefront of product, process and human behavior management of change ideas and marketing programs. In terms of getting people

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ARPA-e Awards for 2015 - InSights into Energy Efficiency   In the quickly evolving arena of energy management and performance the ARPA-e awards can be an insightful view into Energy Sector's key research in energy management, performance, and efficiency. ARPA-e funds innovative technologies that display promise for both technical and commercial impact, but are too early for private-sector investment. Veritatis Advisors offers Angel and start-up technology and product guidance in navigating applying and identifying funding.

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Demonstrating continual operational cost savings is at the core of a mix of incentives, voluntary and market based energy performance enhancements proving that both behavioral (how we engage equipment and controls) and engineering projects (HVAC, windows, Emis) make sense. "One without the other is like a fish without water," said Don

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