In 2012, ABB sought advice from Veritatis to conceive an ISO 50001/IPMVP M&V logic framework into its world-class plant control platform, CPM Plus.
CPM Plus Energy Manager:
This work earned several industry awards notably from Control Engineering.
What Veritatis did:
A team of energy experts including Veritatis, pioneered the software logic technique embedding global standards such as ISO 50001 and DOE’s Superior Energy Performance (SEP) program elements into the decision logic of leading control software’s such as ABB and Yokogawa.
Recently interviewed at ENERNOC’s SmartEnergy Conference, Don noted, “Software is no different than management control SOP’s, directives, and policies. IT platforms accelerate and close the gap for more efficient energy management systems performance, giving greater confidence to executives that money is well spent, avoiding third party audit costs altogether.”
Energy efficiency – Doing more with less