49 percent of North American supply-chain executives don’t view sustainability as a strategic priority

In an exert taken from Supply Chain Brain, Veritatis Advisors Partner West Monroe Partners, David South Head of Sustainability, highlights some of the out-takes from COP21 and study implications coming into focus.

West Monroe Partners found that 49 percent of North American supply chain executives don’t view sustainability as a strategic priority.

And 64 percent have no plans to adopt sustainability initiatives in the coming years.

Like it or not, though, they’re going to have to take steps to slash their emissions, and fall into line with the goals of the COP21 meeting in Paris. But what exactly will that take? On this episode, we get some guidance from David South, senior principal with West Monroe Partners.

He discusses the results of the firm’s study, and lays out the challenges facing small and medium-sized manufacturers in their efforts to go green. Is sustainability a financial burden? Or can it bolster the bottom line?

Hosted by Bob Bowman, Managing Editor of SupplyChainBrain.



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