US Department of Energy (DOE) hits its stride by launching the several year old private sector energy management platform for continual improvement into the gasping utility sector, perhaps just in time to save it. Release: US DOE March saw the launch of the 50001 Ready Utility Network Series, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) first facilitated forum for utilities, public benefit administrators (PBA), third party implementers, consultants, and regulators who share an interest in energy

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Utility adoption of energy efficiency programs is an outsourced model of engagement perhaps until now. According to AEEE, utilities a bit counter-intuitive in their market adoption thinking, are now seeing energy efficiency as a resource. With the confluence of proper GHG's and energy benchmarking, baselines Wall Streets acceptance of metrics for investment profiling have become standardized and with that AEEE found that it is third in the electric generation segment. And it may top the list

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Veritatis Advisors global client Schneider Electric reports stunning success in deployment of its energy management strategy devised by VA's Don Macdonald. It is always welcomed to see other reporting on your good work, at scale, of energy efficiency and uses of Standards to peel back layers of operational performance and change culture while meeting financial objectives and Wall Street expectations. Schneider North American CEO at the time, Jeff Drees and his team envisioned vertical integration of

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ENERGY MANAGEMENT BEHAVIORAL DECISION MAKING By Don Macdonald, LEED AP, CEM   Not often talked about is an obscure behavioral and computer science religion called Decision Support, a basic form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and part of understanding ENERGY MANAGEMENT BEHAVIORAL DECISION MAKING. Will artificial intelligence evolve and make conscious efficiency choices (or lack thereof) for us? Is much of the human "choice" from efficiency already being eliminated, controlled by the 'man" and dictated by

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Climate Change: A Faceless Villain In this Article reprinted from Mindful, Author Sharon Begley nails it when talking about why humans avoid making Climate change a priority. Climate Change: A Faceless Villain.   Climate Change Why do so many of us persist in doing nothing about global warming? Blame it on psychology. If only global warming were caused by ISIS declaring a “weather war” on the west, perhaps by gleefully releasing 18 tons of greenhouse gases

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Achieve ISO 50001 Results without Certification Veritatis Advisors partners with award winning EU energy management software developer ENERIT to provide cloud based, human-centered ISO 50001 Platform Energy efficiency programs continue to set increasingly ambitious savings targets. But the tools industry and commercial buildings use lag in technology adoption. Standard tactics of employing bulky and slow ISO programs, more often than not, are falling short both in veracity and value. Likewise large IT solutions advertised from utilities

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Perspectives on Small Business Energy Efficiency today focuses on Knowledge. Business energy efficiency programs are often described by the small and medium sized business owner and manager in passive terms such as lenient, compliant, or latent. While it is often assumed this lack of engagement is cost driven, we are finding now that it is actually knowledge or competency driven. Most audits today continue to be engineering focused, foregoing behavioral aspects. This knowledge gap increases the cost hurdle,

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Veritatis Advisors offers proven experience strengthening your Company's Leadership in Energy Efficiency Performance. Recent case study from Canada's Lincoln Electric demonstrates results and strong ROI: Lincoln Electric 50k case study Now is your chance to joint the North American Energy Management Pilot Program for personalized training and coaching to implement an energy management system focused on continual improvement and identify energy cost-saving opportunities. Veritatis extends the impact potential with proven teams ready to consult, implement

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