Steve Jobs through sheer tenacity and resilience, focused on simplicity. Fired from Apple, created NEXT, rehired by Apple because he knew above all else simplicity matters. Eric Burke The Utility industry work force is passing this ephemeral moment in technology development. Jobs' vision while transformative was painful, knowing beforehand 'NEXT' was never to be successful. He was not creating gadgets, but rather an ecosystem and few saw it for what it was. Utilities like the

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ARPA-e Awards for 2015 - InSights into Energy Efficiency   In the quickly evolving arena of energy management and performance the ARPA-e awards can be an insightful view into Energy Sector's key research in energy management, performance, and efficiency. ARPA-e funds innovative technologies that display promise for both technical and commercial impact, but are too early for private-sector investment. Veritatis Advisors offers Angel and start-up technology and product guidance in navigating applying and identifying funding.

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