Public Sector Sustainability

Making infrastructure sustainable. Opportunities to improve performance, often in conjunction with other programs, decrease risk.

Our top priority is to provide public sector sustainability to our clients. We implement cost effective and accurate assessments to drive value and decrease risk.


Veritatis identifies risks, opportunities, and potential improvements by guiding our clients to the best solution tailored to fit their every need. We use proprietary structures, we identify areas of significant improvement and engage client teams across functional silos to build consensus.

Public sector clients each have unique political cultures that require different approaches to implement sustainability effectively. Case studies from City of New York MTA and LA METRO demonstrate multiple positive environmental, cultural, and economic impacts achieved through these means.

Veritatis structures activities around core criteria based on ISO 55001 for Governmental Asset & Risk Management or ISO 31000 Risk Management Frameworks.

Sustainability & Benchmarking Services

  • Management by objectives and planning (MBO)
  • Management system and processes (ISO)
  • Operational processes (OPS)
  • Voice of customer (VOC)
  • Design, development, purchasing (SUPPLY CHAIN)
  • Measurement and analysis of results (M&V)
  • Evaluation of results (MBO)
  • Corrective action (CAR)
  • Continuous improvement (PDCA)

American Public Transit Association (APTA)

Public sector clients often belong to associations by function. An extension to our public sector sustainability services includes public transportation capital project advisory. This includes engagement in areas such as: bus, paratransit, light rail, commuter rail, subways, waterborne passenger services, and high-speed rail.

Sustainability inventory services:

  • Development, implementation, third party assessment of ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 3100 and ISO 55001
  • GHG emissions and GHG savings
  • Energy use and performance benchmarking (electricity, fuels, gas, water)
  • Recycling levels/waste reuse
  • Operating expense of environmental operations